
Use as a Model Manager

Django manager utils allows a user to perform various functions not natively supported by Django’s model managers. To use the manager in your Django models, do:

from manager_utils import ManagerUtilsManager

class MyModel(Model):
    objects = ManagerUtilsManager()

If you want to extend an existing manager to use the manager utils, include mixin provided first (since it overrides the get_queryset function) as follows:

from django.db import models
from manager_utils import ManagerUtilsMixin

class MyManager(ManagerUtilsMixin, models.Manager):

Calling Manager Utils as Standalone Functions

All of the main manager utils functions listed can also be called as standalone functions so that third-party managers can take advantage of them. For example:

from manager_utils import bulk_update

bulk_update(TestModel.objects, [model_obj1, model_obj2], ['int_field', 'float_field'])